The two women of his dreams thought he was hysterically funny.... once he opened his mouth.......
As he went through the cupboards ..........fumbling with the white plastic bowls...
He went on to explain to them about wanting to find a bowl with holes in it, he might need it later to use as a sieve, he acted all lost and confused putting on, They laughed hysterically......... giggling.........
The one went on to explain she was having a Hurricane, A tantrum......... that was an emotional breakdown.... in her own terms and way of putting it...........
that was roaringly funny to say it that way.. according to her... the poor dear she was having a 'Hurricane'.
The other girl was quite pretty... He complimented her by saying 'When your parents got together they must of had on their really good Jeans.... (genes) ................. the all had a good laugh with him over that.
'Poor Tonto'.. that was her pet name for his Pecker... she addressed him by saying 'poor Tonto is almost all worn out isn't he, ' as she rubbed oil on him gently, He liked that.
The Ladies were first Nation native girls...... from the Ochmarry Tribe.......
He was going to start working with them tomorrow....
At a closed cost, but not really that great of Pay, the benefits were nice however.
They all had a good laugh, they thought he was funny.... any color he was.
The dissipating of angst due to the laughter of having a Hurricane come along, a.k.a. an Emotional Reeling......................