Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Ghosts of being Young, Free and Wild........

Perky on Sugarloaf Key down in the Florida Keys was sort of like an Oasis in the Desert... albeit a semi tropical one... it could be a hot fucker of a day.

It was the inbetween time... you know between the early days and the now gone days......

Free and Wild is for Young people........... in love and horses in a lightening storms out on the prairie or plains.

He was out in the landscaping trailer within eyesight of the bar.. trying to get one of his boots off to get a stone out of his sock.. that was driving him ape shit....   not one but two of the Hotty's sucking down alcohol in the sweaty bar were giving him the eye.... as he made half a fool of himself.... dancing around on one foot in the back of the open trailer, everybody laughed all the time about mostly everything... because frankly everything was a Joke.......

It was kind of like the Wild West I suppose... drinking doubles of the cheap shit... and not even knowing, caring or thinking about it....

The bartender had curly greasy hair.. but a truly happy person....  everybody  was loud back then...

yelling and jesting with the bartender...   yelling  a drink over here... the girl sits down with him  the bartender heads out to bring the drink  across the room ... at just the right moment he yells make it two.. the bartender stops and turns around making the second drink and starts to head out again.. once again at just the precise moment...  he hollers out..   Make them doubles.... the bartender now for the third time third time spins around...  the genuine smile never left his face... or the curls of hair falling down on his forehead....

All that was not too far from the Bat Tower....... the bartender knew I was poking at him... and it was o.k. it was all in good mutual fun....  his payback if any was to get us so drunk we would pass out and wind up on an all nighter  sleeping in the parking lot.. and then off to work again... it was not about a big tip....... though he got one.

Ghosts climbing up into the rafters afraid to come down  but do and .........out of nowhere near the Bat Tower Loosening up.

The Ghosts of Being Young free and wild.

The Woodsmen's Daughter.

The first the later........

The later the first...........

I am not trying to rhyme the verse..........

Just did.........

Deep in the woods... Huge Pines and Cypress....... biggest ever seen......

Some famous singer owned the adjoining land... like Kenny Rogers  or somebody......

The houses and barn were constructed of very wide planks.......

"She Ain't  Found Love Yet though known a couple" every word freely drifted  and could be heard with the piano, as the musician practiced his craft.

Oh look the old blue truck there she sits...  was it the  same one I accidently ran the cat over with?

I felt terrible about that..... its was such a beautiful full grown young cat... he had grown comfortable laying behind the rear wheel while the truck was idling  for some time after a repair  I hopped in and backed right over him...   it was wretched...

The poor people lived next door... damn  his daughter was fine...

He passed thru the nearby Hospital.. the nurses were laughing...  at the songs next verse

"Hard come, never know ya"

The poor people that lived in the trailer next to the well off musician... had a muddy  country road leading up to their place..
 the truck stopped running... it won't go and he was stuck in this strange enchanting mythical place.

The man came out and shook his hand in a knowing genuine way.... that is when his daughter passed  by wearing those  funky  square toed shoe boots... and black spandex britches... you could see her ass crack ....

She was very unique looking... an interesting shaped ass and  kind of sandy blondish hair... wild...... interesting jaw line.. testy attitude too. The man was wanting to sell the truck but he had lost the title...  gosh she was so feminine....  that was it that was what drove him wild, he was fearing he was too old for her.... he did not want to come across as an old turd.. but he still held desire.

He went back up to the blacktop road.. a truck went by.. towing a house on a trailer... there was fire coming out the back window of the house , but the driver did not know... and he had no way of alerting  him to it..

Later low and behold the house was sitting in the woods off to the side of the road burning still...

apparently abandoned....  he got it now... took him a bit of time... the driver was only looking to dump off the house in the woods...  so he did not really care much that if one of the rooms was on fire, and need not have been alerted in the first place so let it burn, let it burn.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Reptiles That Attack!

He was escorted into a locked room where a certain type or   ( Brand )   of reptile was Kept with a nasty bite.

The keeper of the keys to the doors   the  uniformed man  informed  him upon his unwitting  entrance into the room...            'Oh by the way they attack....',      

As he looked up and saw one coming across the floor at him.... he ran into the next room slamming the door behind him  to get away  into a room he found with even more reptiles ... it was where the  eggs and  hatchling's were kept....  Heavens........... He thought,         oh Dear............... he even grew dizzy...

The whole thing nearly scared him to death......... next he was directed to look into a plastic shopping bag for something to protect him.. by  the Official uniformed   keeper of the door...  inside the bag  to his surprise or dismay  was only a package  of rice and some cheap almost spoiled lunch meat that was to be  used to feed the venomous creatures.... there was nothing inside the balsa  that would protect him as  the keeper had indicated.... the lying fuck... well, perhaps he was simply mistaken and thought it was in there?

It never even crossed his mind to feed one,     BUT,

He was often  one to accept and give the benefit of a doubt fairly freely....... so he thought..... to himself.

Well he found himself running next..... I suppose in retrospect it could be viewed as funny him running around in a locked room with poisonous reptiles in pursuit ... but at the moment he was going through it... it was more frightening to him then funny.......

He got out of the room and away,  grateful ........... and breathing a sigh,     from the..............

Reptiles That Attack!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Turn your Visions

It was a familiar voice.... maybe it was Bruce Springsteen singing...........

Its like having something on the tip of your tongue...

Its so familiar.......

The lyrics.......

Turn your visions towards the road:

Let the millions obey:

Read a book:

Write a play:

Learn a musical instrument:

Turn back the clock......

Fly an OV 10........ with the Black Ponies ........

Turn your Visions.